Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dream of Best Buddies

It was ma dream happening true of becoming an engineer…I joined ma engineering college. First day of engineering life… it was a beautiful morning with wonderful rain…really romantic climate (nothing to do with me)… All new faces… and some fear of getting ragged.

After few days of collage…a guy…double my size …fully professional looks…fresh cool face… entered our classroom. Started searching for place to seat, as seat next to me was empty; he just walked next to me and asked for place to seat. Actually I had reserved that seat for someone who I knew earlier…I don’t know what happened and I gave him the place to seat. Who knew that time, that this person would share bench with me for next four years…and accompany me in future… This was my friend “Y”.

It was math’s lecture going on, complete pin drop silence in class room, no one dare to do anything except for listening to lecture…Imagine … mobile rings!! Everybody stunned!!!(Next what would have happened you just imagine…). There are “no words” in dictionary to describe him… never ever done things on time and have lists of excuses (they are really the wonders). But still he is my best buddy “M” ever!!!

There was guy in our class, totally different and strange nature, and with complex data structure of mind… carrying out infinite loops of tensions…lots of Trojans in brains… imaginations out of world … born on April 1st(what else you want to know more about him??). He is ma another best buddy “P”, he is very very emotional, sweet hearted, ever helping nature…but truly unpredictable!!!

Hey my list of best buddies is incomplete without “K”. What to say about him…most loving nature… he just loves butterflies… he likes bird watching!!! He is always ready with full details of any birds…hobbies carried from childhood. Apart from his hobbies…he is totally business minded…never knows when he “deals” with you…he is exactly opposite of you think about him..!!!

Its mostly you have your best buddies, who have been with you for past no of years, whom you know the best… it was not same with me… I had never seen them before…dint know their background nor their culture… all from different corners of states…becomes my ever best buddies…

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